Monday, 27 February 2012


Click to view animation

Motion Guides

Click to view animation


Click to view animation

Motion Tweening

Click to view the animation

Shape Tweening

Showing the transition a shape makes from one to another. 

Click to view the animation

Click to view animation


Stop-Motion Animation

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Typography Brief 2 - Hooray for Carbuncles

The brief is to once again design x2 Double-page spreads and a front cover. To start off with I've started to design the spread for the 5 articles that feature, Victorian, Georgian Architecture, Wolverhampton Parks, Student Accommodation and Todays Terrace housing. What I didn't realise is what "Architecture News" is the running head that is supposed to go across the two pages in the top corners, not feature as the main heading so on the photo below this shows that as the main heading. I also whilst trying design how the whole spread would look like I found that this was quite overwhelming so have started to design each article separately.

A3 Layouts

The second part to the brief was to create two A3 layouts using the same technique as the previous task. I found that this went much better for me as I understood the concept more after the feedback session on the A4 layouts. I think that they look more visually interesting than my A4 layouts.

A4 Layouts

The first brief for Experimental Typography was to create three sets of 3 A4 magazine layouts. It was to see if you create a set that looked like they belonged together, progressing each layouts with the first being simple, the second more complex and the third being the most complex of them all. I did find this task a bit hard to start with and had to end up my second and third layouts to make them a bit more visually interesting.

First Set

Second Set

Third Set

Monday, 20 February 2012

Final Piece for "Where I Live' Illustration

This is my final piece for my "Where I Live" project for the Illustrator module in Visual Communication. The appearance of the piece if very geometric and isn't actually what my room looks like. The places drawn within the window are places that I pass everyday on the bus. I have used all the skills that I developed throughout the weekly sessions and incorporated them into my final piece. I think the live trace worked well with the Coca-Cola can and the apple and the scale with the pencils in the pencil pot.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Illustrator Skills

Below are documented skills that I have learnt throughout the "Where I Live" module in Vis Com. 

Speed Camera - This was simply created by using simple shapes such as Rounded Rectangle, Oval (but when drawn press Shift and this creates a perfect circle) alongside the line tool. Using the arrange option to bring things to front so that the yellow background was featured at send to back.

Pencils - The pencils were created after the Speed Camera task and I found that it was quite simple to create them. Gaussian Blur effect and rotation of the circle was used to create the white on the top of the pencil tip.

Bouncing Ball - Once again this involved using a Oval + Shift, as well as the same effect on the top of the pencil for the reflection. The shadow on the bottom is also the same process as the top of the pencil but a smaller oval shape and bigger blur effect. 

Smooth Colour - Blending involves creating two shapes that have two different colours as the fill. Then you go to Object -> Blend -> Blending options and the first step I did was Smooth Colour. Once pressed Make, this will appear on the screen the smooth transition of the tones between each shapes.

Specified Steps - This involves the same process but instead select Specified Steps and you can enter in how many steps of tone you would like to see between each of the originally drawn shapes. This example there are 4 tones between each starting shape.

Specified Distance - Once again this requires the same process as mentioned above but you can enter how much distance you want between each tone in cm. This example there is 0.3cm which is hard to see on the image. If a larger distance was created it would start to look like Specified Steps.

Web Icons
Speaker - Web Icons are the quick and easy option to use, however, you wouldn't use them if you were doing high-paid professional work. This speaker example involved me ungrouping the elements in the icon, then changing the colour of the lines and also removing the middle speaker line to create a simple low and high volume resemblance.

Website Button - The original website button (black) involved the same process as the Speaker but what I did extra was to add a shadow underneath the arrow. This was done by using the skills I had picked up from the previous Pencil and Bouncing Ball activity and then going to Object -> Arrange -> Send to Back for it to be underneath the main coloured arrow.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Exploring Architecture in Bridgnorth

The new brief for Experimental Typography involves looking at the surrounding architecture in Wolverhampton. I live in Bridgnorth and the town has a wide variety of architecture from the 1800's. I took a range of photographs in the low town area of the town, including a photograph of a building built in 1580 and is now a Grade 1 listed building and was one of the few buildings of its type to survive the great fire of Bridgnorth in 1646.

Other photographs include that of The Bassa Villa, a local pub house, which in fact is where I work part-time. This will be a great place for me to get photographs of the interior architecture of the buildings as all of the original beams are still in tact. When passing cars go over the low town bridge to their right they will see an advertising print of the side of a building which has been there 1616. As well as zoomed in shots of the high town featuring both churches St. Marys (Green dome on the top) and St. Leonards. As well as the Wesleyan Chapel, now the methodist church, of 1853.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

My Letterpress Workshop photos blogged by the Uni!

As requested I emailed some of the photographs I took on my visit to the Black Country Museum Letterpress workshop to lecturer Jessica Glaser and to my surprise found that she had blogged about it on the University blog.

Have a read: