Sunday 6 November 2011

What have I been doing during Reading Week??

Throughout my reading week I have managed to do quite a fair amount of work in order to get ahead in projects. I found that completing my A2 poster project on the Friday 28th October very relieving as it meant that that project was completely finished and that I could continue and focus mainly now on my Understanding Imagery project - My Space.

My Space is about an area that defines me without a picture of myself in it. To me this is a very interesting project as I find that travelling is one of my favorite things to do (unless ££ is short!!). Due to also being a keen photographer when travelling I have many photos of scenery and landscapes from cities such as Edinburgh and London. These to places I decided to do a comparison of as I find that I love the hustle and bustle of London but then love the calm and polite atmosphere in Edinburgh. Two cities yet very different in atmosphere. I also decided to do a comparison with my hometown of Bridgnorth and my working environment Wolverhampton. I decided to compare these two areas as Bridgnorth is a town divided by the River Severn and is very picturesque. On the other hand, Wolverhampton is the opposite. Yes hills and countryside may be seen from the 4th floor of the MK building in the distant but in the city centre its very much dull in some aspects.

My Type Fundamental work is progressing as I managed to scan and start working on my DPS on Friday 3rd November using InDesign. I was impressed with how its started to turn out and whilst creating the text on top of the scan I realised that I like this style of working. This is because to me it feels like my creation from pencil to fine liner is now becoming real on the Mac, and that I feel is something to be proud of. 

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